
Fire! Anyone who knows me well know that I really like playing with fire, both figuratively and literally.

Our life is like a candle, sometimes candles burn really well and other times candles spill over and make a mess. We have to know that for a candle to burn well we have to leave it be and trust that it will do what it needs to do. Just like God we have to trust that God will provide the wax for us to live the life He has planned for us.


This morning when I got into the office the first thing I did was say hello to my coworkers then I lit a candle. This isn’t just any candle, it’s my I really need to concentrate candle. The smell is comforting but I’m not too sure why. It brings me back to when I lived at home and my mom wanted  to get rid of candles so she would burn them all day. When I got back from school we could smell these candles. My first instinct was to play with the burning candles, getting the wax on my fingers, making a mess and eventually blow it out (usually by accident). 

Candles, I have so many good memories with them. Actually I also have some not so good memories with them too haha as if I’m going to talk about this one… So when I was on the Catholic Outreach Team a few year ago I had a lit candle on my desk. I was cleaning my room and decided to throw a pair of mitts on my desk. Before I keep telling this story I have to explain that these were my well cherished mitts, they are the Montreal Habs mitts! For those who don’t know who the Habs are, they are best hockey team ever! (I can hear all the Americans sighing right now). No need to roll your eyes at me… You know deep down in your heart that they are awesome. Anyway, moving on.

So I threw the mitts on my desk on my candle but didn’t notice right away. Something starting smelling a bit odd so I got up (because I was sitting on the floor) only to notice my mitts were on fire!!! Thank goodness only the top of the mitts got burnt and I can still wear them. I haven’t worn these mitts this year yet but when I see them I always think of the good times I had on the Catholic Outreach Team.

I’m quite particular with my candles, if they smell too strong I can’t handle them and just keep them in a cupboard and never do anything with ’em. If they are made of not good wax I tend to melt with other candles and make new candles out of them.

Why do I like candles? I was thinking about this yesterday and this is what I could come up with. I like candles because they are not a necessity in this day in age but they bring me so much joy. Why do they bring me joy? Because of all the good memories I have with them.

And a shoutout to my siblings who hate when I play with candles. I love you guys and I’m so excited to see you! I will be leaving tomorrow evening but will only be getting there on Wednesday morning. I can’t wait to see you!!

-My Catholic Living (and I’m actually playing with a candle right now, hehe)



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